Thursday, October 16, 2014

Setting up shop

We have an old bank in the village center of our sweet little town.
It's been renovated and re-purposed a few times and it has settled now as a marketplace and gallery.
It's very homegrown and inspiring.  
Local artists show and sell their work at the Old Bank.
The window light is incredible.
They use the old vaults as display space for smaller arts and crafters.
It's great for this little town of mine.
My father has sold his work there for a year now and at the last gallery night I thought... maybe I should try that!
So here I go! 
I've put a few pieces in and need to bring down more and also fluff up my space, but it's exciting and so far very fun.
I'll post pics from the space when I get them.

East Hampton Bank and Trust Co.

OLD BANK Flowers, Art and Marketplace

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